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Three Motif Women's Clothing Trends 2015 In Indonesia

Month of January 2015 is almost gone, In the month of a woman's dress trend is the movement of Indonesian market has begun to be seen, Whether it's a trend models women clothes, ladies clothes motif, material and color trend clothes women clothes.

At the beginning of 2015, or January 2015, Direction consumer interest in Indonesian women clothes have started to appear. Consumer interest in this woman a lot can be seen from the sales trend for the relevant product in some fashion store in Indonesia.

When viewed from the sales trend in some women dress clothing store, There are several characteristics of the products that are expected to survive and will compete in 2015's. But in this article Go Klaten Jualan Go will deliver trend clothes women with basic traits of character or motives.

2015's, There are several motives clothes women who will compete. What motive?

Flower Motif

Flower motif is a motif that women dress trend in the year 2014, and is expected to remain able to be a trend in the year 2015. And the motive for the early 2015's, ladies clothes floral still ranked first. This can be seen from the trend in sales that occurred in most clothing stores in Indonesia.

If at the end of 2014 we have not been able to see for sure the size of floral most preferred by consumers, so at the beginning of 2015 is a bit much the market has been able to read the direction floral character that is likely to become a trend.

Here are some character florals much preferred by consumers;

  1. Size motifs tend to medium and small size, and small size or even soft (very small) but can be easily recognized that the interest showed a trend greater interest from consumers.
  2. In terms of color, If we look in terms of color motifs, colors are preferred by women, while the colors are bright but not garish or flashy likely to enter the market segment of young women.
  3. The combination of colors and fabrics tend to be similar motif but florals can be seen clearly or not faint because of the color of the material basis.

Motif or pattern Polkadot

Polka-dot pattern on a woman's dress is able to give its own style or styles for women, Both the adult female and young women. In terms of basic polka dot, is within the sphere of the other spheres, this gave the impression to be able to consistently and regularly.

However, certainly not all motives or polka-dot pattern on a woman's dress will be able to penetrate the boundary trends 2015 women dress motif.

and polka-dot like what you would be able to compete in the 2015 women dress motif trend ?. Here are some character polkadot 2015;

  1. Sphere size tends to be small or even very small, this measure will be able to provide two views on style or fashion style. Wherein when viewed from afar circle motif will be able to blend into one which will create its own color. Meanwhile, if viewed from near polka be able to stand alone as a pattern or motif that is separate from the base color fabric. This is to avoid the perception that leads to a clown suit.
  2. To color the circle tends to one color for adult women, but in women teens will have a tendency in some colors that are similar but not more than 3 colors.
  3. For mature women going towards basic colors in soft colored fabric, while for adolescent women will tend to color bright pattern on a soft cloth. Why ?, Because so bright motifs will be able to refract the basic colors become brighter soft cloth.

Motif combination

Why called motif combination ?, Because here will take place a combination of two different motifs on one ingredient. But not all merger motive will be able to compete on a woman's dress trend motifs 2015. Here are some of the characters combined motifs in question;

  1. Merger consists of two motifs, polka dot print with box example. And these two are combined motifs tend to have the same or similar color.
  2. Sizes tend to be small with a small motif as well as small to medium. However, the incorporation of small size and very small size is also likely to be the trend in 2015 women dress motif.
  3. Location of motive, For the combined motive is almost similar to the polka, Where lies between motifs similar to one another.

Three motives are already circulating on the market today, if given the ranking trends, floral still ranks first, second is the polka dot print and followed motif combinations. Are these three motives will be able to compete ?, and motive of her clothes which will be most trend ?. We'll wait over time.

Similarly article Indonesian fashion trend of Go Klaten Jualan Go with the theme of the competition motif trend clothes women in 2015. Hopefully this article useful for us all. You also can visit other interesting fashion trend article below;

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